What is Biz Visualized?

Your Communications & Training DepArtment

Marketing Concepts | Pitch Success | Launch Planning

Copywriting Secrets & Service Strategies

Curriculum Creation | Ghostwriting

We listen carefully, and we "create" what's needed.

Our Communications Chiefs get big things done for you.

Upgrade your internal & external communications, See what happens.

It's where business leaders and founders turn, for creative ideas, and to develop their visionary leadership and communications skills.

It's about getting unstuck, riding the top-of-the-wave with us, breaking through barriers, and winning major market share.

It's where investors and project managers turn, to bring a special flavor of value to their ventures, which also causes successes.

It's about winning yeses with ka-pow articulations, visual pitches, and innovative training programs, so everyone wins.

ATTENTION: The Secret to Success

The world has evolved, when's the last time you evolved your communications?

We live in a different world these days, but your success always depends on your communications, always.




Mastering this Helps Master Success

Content = Anything you read, see, or hear that attracts you, and compels you to do something.

A beautiful journey that irresistibly educates and engages your audiences.

Essentials for Market Leadership

Ka-pow branding.

Impactful voice & stories.

Commanding presence.

SOPs that stick.

Compelling visual trainings.

Service excellence strategies.

Top-selling books.

Automating marketing flows and captures.

Cash Flow, Smiling all the way to the bank.

The Power of Storytelling

Pegging the "why do I care" or the "oooh" in the first ten seconds is essential!

With all this said, our approach will enable you watch examples of good and bad, practice, you learn, and you master these skillsets.

The Win-Win Way to Start

How do you get featured on BizVisualized?

If you are an established biz, and have a breakthrough offering or story to share.

If you have a unique approach or offering you'd like to share, let us know.

If you are planning a launch and want to test it out and hone it on the channel.

If you're willing to be in the hot seat if you've conquered a communications feat like no other, and you want to showcase it.

We just might feature you on BizVisualized.

what Every Leader & Business Needs

Tailored secret weapons based on OUR pyramid of your essential needs.

Meet our YouTube Host

Click on Erika's Face If you Want the Scoop

What BizVisualized does, and how we do it,

is what defines the secret sauce of successful ventures,

for you, and everyone you touch.

-Erika Feinberg, MA Human Dynamics, Trainer

Proud to Call Our Sponsor - Meet Eagle One

Frequently Asked Questions

The most common questions we're asked:

How do you help me get my messaging right?

With every project, we start with the end in mind. We carefully get to know your audience, identify their needs, and design everything to feed their needs.

We record videos, we write, and we know by your reaction and the audience reaction that we got it right.

What platform do you use for your SOP employee training curriculum, and your course curriculum?

We are very big fans of GoHighLevel. It has everything an enterprise needs, from CRM and funnels, automations, and invoicing and ecommerce, all the way to marketing systems and AI, and the course library is robust and easy to use.

Who would you recommend for our customer service training and what's your opinion about outsourcing customer support?

There's no better place to rely on for your marketing, outsourced call center support, and service than EagleOne. www.Eagle1Group.com is the sponsor of our YouTube channel for a very good reason. They are the best choice for small companies, as well as very big companies and franchises.

What is Visionary Leadership and how does visionary leadership work?

BizViz happens to be made up of a group of visionary leaders who have led businesses to market leadership. Our definition of a Visionary Leader is someone who practices skillsets that positively influence and activate others to achieve clear and common goals, through their communications. That's what we teach and inspire in everyone we touch.

What do you mean by branding and brand voice?

Branding is your logo, fonts, colors, and overall shapes and vibe that you carry across to all platforms and projects, with consistency, and your voice is the words and communications styles you choose to use that define the essence and vibe of your brand.

Why are you getting chosen as the top content planning, leadership development, and strategy planning organization in the country over the others?

We think it's because our team is made up of real-life success stories. We have the magic somehow. Sure, we have the Master's degrees in business, communications and human dynamics, and all that jazz, but we also truly care about passing our magic onto our clients, and making sure we deliver AMAZING and EXCITING and INSPIRING results for our clients.

How do I get interviewed on BizVisualized, and how much do you charge?

You must have a compelling story to share that will help our audience learn about how you utilized communications to achieve your mission, or you have a challenge that you don't mind sharing with the world, and you're willing to let us solve it in public, on-the-spot. Oh, you can also use our show to pass an idea by our audience to get their opinions and reactions, but the simple answer is, reach out to anyone here, and ask.

It's free, unless you love the interview so much that you ask us to edit the video interview into clips, and create assets for your website and for you to use in your marketing.

Also, if you offer to sponsor our channel, we won't be mad at you!